MARHST-L is an INTERNATIONAL electronic discussion group sponsored and administered by the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston with the assistance of Queen's University at Kingston.

Subscription is free, and subscribers will automatically receive messages in their computer mailboxes. Messages can be saved, discarded, copied, printed out, or relayed to someone else.

To Subscribe

  • Send message to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • First Line: SUBSCRIBE MARHST-L [Your Name]

You will receive an information message in return.


The purpose of MARHST-L is to promote communication among persons with a serious interest in maritime history and maritime museums.

This list has, since 1994, provided a forum for ideas and a place where subscribers may ask for information, post notices of meetings, programs for conferences, announcements of new scholarly projects, and queries about particular problems.


Debate should and must be temperate and informed.

Moderators MARHST-L

Walter Lewis, co-moderator, MARHST-L,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Maurice D. Smith, co-moderator, MARHST-L, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The moderators are Walter Lewis, a marine historian and Maurice D. Smith the Curator Emeritus at the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston. The moderators are "primarily facilitators", on duty to maintain the flow of information on the list.

Support Acknowledgement

The support of Queen's University at Kingston, and Canada Steamship Lines is appreciated.

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